Raising Future Entrepreneurs: The Power of Homeschooling


1. Qualities of an entrepreneur

2. Boosting success at home

3. Business Ideas

4. Links



Someone who starts and runs their own business, taking on financial risks in the hope of making a profit. Entrepreneurs are often seen as innovators, bringing new ideas, products, or services to the market. They need to be creative, resourceful, and resilient, as they often face challenges and uncertainties in their ventures.

Now let's put a twist on that definition...

Child Entrepreneur:  A young individual who initiates and manages a business venture. They demonstrate creativity, innovation, and a willingness to take risks to bring their ideas to life. Child entrepreneurs often balance their business activities with their education and personal development, learning valuable skills such as financial literacy, problem-solving, and leadership along the way.



I put together this affordable Raising Future Entrepreneurs guide for you and your child. It has a parent guide step-by-step worksheets to help your child workout what business they want to start and all the steps that come with it.

I added some motivational print-outs as well!

Scroll below for our Raising Future Entrepreneur t-shirts!


In today’s fast-paced world, fostering entrepreneurial skills in children can set them up for a lifetime of success. As a homeschool mom, you have a unique opportunity to tailor your child’s education to include practical business skills. Here are some creative and effective ways to boost your child’s entrepreneurial success from the comfort of your home.



Lets talk about a few qualities a person needs in order to make the entrepreneur road a lot less....bumpy. These are not all required.

Grit: The ability to persevere. A younger person might get discouraged by the lack of instant results. It is important to explain that you must be constantly driven to succeed, even when the finish line is out of sight.

Creativity: The ability to think outside the box and come up with innovative solutions to problems.

Resilience: The ability to bounce back from setbacks and keep pushing forward.
Vision: Having a clear idea of what you want to achieve and the steps needed to get there.

Self-Confidence: Believing in yourself and your ideas, even when others might doubt you.

Decision-Making Skills: The ability to make quick and effective decisions.

These qualities can help you navigate the challenges of entrepreneurship and increase your chances of success. Which of these qualities do you feel you already possess, and which ones would you like to develop further?



Boosting your child's success at home. Here are some strategies to help achieve the balance when combining entrepreneurship with homeschool education.

1. Integrate Learning

  • Financial Literacy: Using games or project-based learning you can incorporate entrepreneurial projects into your child’s curriculum. For example, a math lesson can include budgeting for a business for financial literacy, while a writing assignment can involve creating a business plan for language arts.
  • Real-World Applications: Show how traditional subjects apply to real-world business scenarios. This makes learning more relevant and engaging.

2. Time Management

  • Create a Schedule: Develop a balanced schedule that allocates time for both academic studies and entrepreneurial activities. Use tools like planners or digital calendars to keep track of tasks and deadlines.
  • Set Priorities: Help your child prioritize their tasks. Ensure they understand the importance of balancing schoolwork with their business ventures.

3. Leverage Online and Local Resources

  • Online Courses: Utilize online platforms like Outschool and Khan Academy for both academic subjects and entrepreneurship courses. This flexibility allows your child to learn at their own pace.
  • Educational Videos and Websites: Linked at the bottom.
  • Networking Opportunities: Encourage your child to attend local business events, workshops, and fairs. Networking with other young entrepreneurs and business professionals can open doors to new opportunities and collaborations. Many communities have organizations and clubs specifically for young entrepreneurs.

4. Foster a Supportive Environment

  • Family Involvement: Foster a creative environment. Involve the whole family in your child’s entrepreneurial journey. This can include brainstorming sessions, feedback on ideas, or even helping with business tasks. Encourage them to think outside the box and come up with innovative solutions to problems.
  • Mentorship: Connect your child with mentors who can provide guidance and support. This could be family friends, local business owners, or online mentors.
  • Set Goals and Celebrate Achievements: Help your child set realistic goals for their entrepreneurial endeavors and celebrate their achievements, no matter how small. This positive reinforcement builds confidence and motivates them to keep striving for success.

5. Teach Resilience and Adaptability

  • Embrace Failures: Teach your child that failures are part of the learning process. Encourage them to view setbacks as opportunities to learn and grow.
  • Adapt to Changes: Help your child develop the ability to adapt to changing circumstances, a crucial skill for both academics and entrepreneurship.

6. Balance Rest and Work

  • Ensure Downtime: Make sure your child has time to relax and unwind. Overworking can lead to burnout, which is counterproductive.
  • Healthy Lifestyle: Encourage a healthy lifestyle with regular exercise, proper nutrition, and adequate sleep.

7. Early College Classes

  • Get ahead with early enrollment: Starting college classes at a young age, such as 13, can provide your child with a head start in their chosen business path. If your child wants to go down a path that requires a college education, this is a great option! Many community colleges offer online courses that can be taken alongside their regular homeschooling curriculum. This not only gives them advanced knowledge but also helps them develop time management and self-discipline.

8. Start a Home-Based Business

  • There is so many resources and curriculum available to help your child organize their business plan. Utilize them! Click here for my guide.
  • Encourage your child to start a small business from home. This could be anything from a lemonade stand to an online store selling handmade crafts. The experience of running a business, even on a small scale, teaches valuable lessons in finance, marketing, and customer service.
  • When they are ready take the next step and take the entrepreneurial skills to the next level. Open up a website or launch a social media platform!


Here are some age-appropriate business ideas for young entrepreneurs, tailored to different age groups:

For Younger Kids (Ages 8-12)

  1. Lemonade Stand: A classic and simple way to learn the basics of running a business.
  2. Pet Sitting or Dog Walking: Great for animal lovers and teaches responsibility.
  3. Handmade Crafts: Creating and selling items like friendship bracelets, keychains, or painted rocks.
  4. Yard Work Services: Offering to mow lawns, rake leaves, or shovel snow for neighbors.

For Pre-Teens (Ages 12-15)

  1. Tutoring: Helping younger kids with subjects they excel in.
  2. Babysitting: Taking care of younger children in the neighborhood.
  3. Online Store: Selling handmade goods or print-on-demand products through platforms like Etsy.
  4. Tech Help: Assisting neighbors with setting up or troubleshooting their devices.

For Teens (Ages 15-18)

  1. Freelance Services: Offering skills like graphic design, writing, or social media management.
  2. Blogging or Vlogging: Creating content around a passion and monetizing through ads or sponsorships.
  3. Event Planning: Organizing small events like birthday parties or community gatherings.
  4. Car Washing and Detailing: Providing car cleaning services to neighbors and local businesses.
  5. E-commerce Business: Starting an online store with a broader range of products.






An Amazon Shop list of highly rated books for you and your child! 



BizKids.com: A website that provides games, lessons, and more.

Kidentrepreneurship.com: This website has educational videos and business ideas!

College Reality Check: This site gives some examples of children that pursued early college enrollment.

Follow raisingtwigandbananas: An inspiring Homeschool moms Instagram account. She shines a light on her children's entrepreneurial journey.



TEDx talk

What is an entrepreneur?

Successful Young Entrepreneurs

Financial Literacy

Writing a Business Plan



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